Today is Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. It seems straightforward enough: go to a gallery, theatre, cinema, music venue. Maybe you want to stay home and make your own art. Remember the instructions though: it has to inspire your heart, fill your bucket, make you feel good. So choose your activity wisely!
So what will it look like for you? Could it be similar to me? I am staying home and making cards.
My heart felt totally inspired when I made this card. I wanted to make a Valentine’s Card that didn’t use hearts so I ended up using my Large Letters Framelits alphabet. An alphabet is an investment but is also very versatile and can be used for every occasion you can think of.

How I made this “inspire your heart with art day” card:
Red was an obvious colour for the word “love” but it didn’t take me long to want to pair it with black. Red, white and black can look sophisticated.
Next, I looked in my stash to see what I had in black and found this cool paper that I got for free because it is Sale-A-Bration right now. But you could use any black and white paper you have in your stash.
The embellishments are wood but I didn’t want the wood colour on my project. So I dabbed them with my black ink pad and voila, now they are black and fit on my project. The black baker’s twine was a natural addition.
If you would like more inspiration for a Valentine’s Day card, make sure to check this blog post.
Making a card is a way to celebrate Inspire Your Heart with Art Day. If you would like inspiration on a regular basis, make sure to subscribe to my mailing list. I send regular email with exclusive projects and inspiration as well as promotions.
See you again soon!