Occasions Catalogue and Sale-A-Bration

Occasions Catalogue 2019

The Occasions Catalogue is here! Actually, it’s been here for a couple days already but I was not feeling well so had to lay low for a bit.

The Occasions Catalogue 2019 is full of new stamp sets, pretty papers in cheery colours, discounted bundles and more. I have been playing with these new products for a few weeks. That’s one of the perks of being a demonstrator, we get access to the new products ahead of everyone else!

Plus, it’s Sale-a-bration! that means free products when you purchase, when you host and an amazing deal when you sign up.

Would you like a paper copy of this new catalogue? Email me with your mailing address in Canada and I will be very happy to send you one.

If you are not too far from Kitchener, ON, plan to come to the Catalogue Launch and Friend Day on Saturday, January 12.

  • Drop in between 10am and 1pm
  • Play with new products from the Occasions Catalogue.
  • See samples of upcoming classes.
  • Earn free products (SALE-A-BRATION time!) when you place a $60 order.
  • Earn even more when you host your own private class.
  • Fun with your friend.

Free but you need to register you and your friend.

Hope to see you soon!

Here are my favourite bundles:

Product List
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